Accelerated programs: Pathway to our nationally renowned dental program

正规博彩十大网站 offers a pre-dental program to first-time freshmen, the accelerated Pre-牙科 Advantage Program (3+3). 你可以在三年的牙科学校和三年的牙科学校完成所有牙科预科和普通教育要求以及生物科学或化学专业的课程. (可选), 你可以申请加速到2+3项目,或者通过切换到4+3项目在本科部分花更多的时间.

当你完成课程的时候, 你将获得太平洋学院(斯托克顿校区)的理学学士学位和亚瑟大学牙科外科博士学位. Dugoni牙科学院(旧金山校区). 


Are you a current high school student who is considering 牙医的职业生涯? 考虑申请正规博彩十大网站的速成课程来获得学士学位和硕士学位.

通过3+3计划, 学生可以在短短三年(六个常规学期)内完成所有牙科预科和通识教育要求以及生物科学或化学专业的课程。. Course credits from the first year of dental school can be used to earn a bachelor's degree, and upon completion of the third year of dental school you will earn the DDS degree. 被牙科预科优势项目录取的学生,如果满足学术和非学术要求,将保证在杜戈尼学校进行面试:

  • Complete all pre-dental program course requirements and dental school prerequisites
  • 保持总平均绩点(GPA) 3.05 or above in coursework from Pacific and other institutions, BBCP(生物, 生物化学, 化学, 和物理), 和科学
  • Achieve 牙科 入学s Test exam scores of 18 or above in all categories
  • 提交一份完整的牙科学校申请, including three letters of evaluation from two Pacific science faculty and one dentist, 在申请周期的九月一日之前
  • Complete at least 40 hours of shadowing a general dentist

预牙科优势计划的默认路径包括三年的本科准备和三年的牙科学校. 然而, 你可以申请加速到2+3项目, or spend more time in the undergraduate portion by switching to the 4+3 program.

2+3计划通过在斯托克顿校区的两年学习,为一组高素质的学生提供牙科前教育的最低基础. At the end of the summer after your first academic year, if you meet the criteria listed below and receive approval from your pre-dental advisor, you will take a second year of classes in Stockton and apply to the 杜戈尼牙科学院, where you will be strongly considered for an interview.


Talk to dentists or shadow them at work to see if this profession is a good fit for you. 通往牙科事业的道路将需要广泛的奉献,如果你对自己的选择感到满意,你可以提供. 

College courses are best taken in college after the high school experience has been completed. High school students may be interested in anticipating some college education, 然而, 为了方便他们适应大学生活或通过满足大学课程要求来省钱. 

高中时修的高级课程有时会对大学课程产生负面影响. 下面的项目根据课程与学前牙科优势课程的互动类型对课程进行分类. 

  • 绿灯班. AP, 在高中(大学早期)学习的IB或大学课程可以用来满足Pre-牙科 Advantage Program的通识教育部分(科学除外)的要求, 只要这些课程可以等同于正规博彩十大网站满足这些要求的课程. 这个等价性可以在 咆哮的网页. 如果化学和生物学的课程没有与太平洋课程相衔接,或者如果它们与太平洋课程的代码低于生物学的BIOL 51(例如:BIOL 41)或低于化学的CHEM 25(例如:CHEM23)相衔接,则化学和生物学的课程可能是大学的一个很好的准备。.
  • 黄光等级. AP, IB or early college classes are acceptable for physics courses that articulate with PHYS 23, 25, 53 or 55 but it is recommended that physics be taken instead at Pacific.
  • 红灯等级. AP, IB或大学早期课程不能用来减少在Pre-牙科 Advantage Program中学习的化学和生物课程的数量. If you complete a core biology or 化学 course before enrolling at Pacific, you will be required to take a more advanced course in those subjects at Pacific. If you have already taken or want to take these courses, 你应该通知你在正规博彩十大网站的本科入学顾问,并要求将你的课程转到正规博彩十大网站. 这是必要的,以避免可能干扰您的注册和财务帮助的冲突. While we appreciate your interest in pursuing college-level courses prior to coming to Pacific, we strongly recommend that you avoid the core science courses, unless you want to replace them with more advanced 化学 and biology courses at Pacific.
  • Notice that other DDS programs may require physics, math or psychology to be taken at a four-year college.
  • Students interested in the 2+3 option need to satisfy three 通用电气类 (other than science) with courses from work completed before starting at Pacific (AP, IB或早期大学课程).


The Pre-牙科 Advantage Program is only available to students entering college for the first time. Prospective students apply using our undergraduate application and select the pre-dental major. 

To advance into the Pacific’s Doctor of 牙科 Surgery Program, admitted undergraduate pre-dental students must take courses in sequence at Pacific, 保持最低gpa并通过Dugoni牙科学院的正式面试(包括写作样本).  

鼓励所有申请者, 被录取的学生是必须的, to carefully read and agree to the Dugoni学校技术标准. 也强烈建议所有申请人审查加州牙科委员会 许可 要求. 

  1. 完成CHEM 025, 化学027, 化学121, 化学123, 杂志051年, 杂志061年, 001年核心, 002年核心, 慢性阻塞性肺病093, 以及满足5个不同GE类别(不包括科学探究)和多样性要求的课程. The GE courses can be transferred from work previous to college.
  2. GPA和DAT(牙科入学考试)成绩高于牙科预科课程公布的最低分数. Currently, the following GPAs are considered, and each must be 3.7 or higher: Overall GPA (all coursework); Pacific GPA (all coursework at Pacific); BBCP GPA (all biology, 生物化学, 化学, 和物理); Science GPA (all science coursework at Pacific). DAT must be taken by September 1 of your sophomore year, ,目前, you must earn an Academic Average score of 25 or above.
  3. 完成所有学术和非学术要求,并向亚瑟A的DDS计划提交申请. 杜戈尼牙科学院.
  4. 向注册主任办公室提交一份由牙科前顾问签署的完整的课程变更表. 在进入Dugoni学校之前, 被录取的学生必须完成生物科学学士学位或生物科学学士学位的本科要求,并获得院系荣誉, 除了DS和BMS课程, 哪些课程将在DDS项目中进行.

Pacific reserves the right to change criteria for students entering in subsequent years. Students selected for an interview are not guaranteed admission to the Dugoni School. 

  1. meet all course requirements for the pre-dental programs, including Grade Point Average standards (3+3 and 4+3 pathways: 3.05 or above; 2+3 pathway: 3.70岁或以上)
  2. students in the 3+3 and 4+3 pathways must achieve scores of 18 or above in all categories on the 牙科 入学 Test (DAT); 2+3 students must achieve an Academic Average score of 25 or above
  3. successfully complete an interview at the School of Dentistry
  4. file a competitive and complete AADSAS application by September 1
  5. 提交75美元的申请费
  6. obtain at least three letters of evaluation from two science faculty and one from a dentist
  7. 在牙科诊所完成40小时的实习


The undergraduate program is expected to take three years, but you can adjust your timeline after the first year. If you choose to continue to the DDS program at Pacific’s 杜戈尼牙科学院, you can complete the graduate portion in three years. 


You will benefit from small class sizes, versatile university resources and many layers of support. 在第一学期, 你将每周与牙科前计划顾问会面,讨论牙科前准备的各个方面. 我们的学生经营的预牙科协会和一对一的咨询与教师顾问创造机会,更好地为牙科和社区服务做准备.


Upon completion of the undergraduate portion of the program with satisfactory performance, 您将获得Dugoni牙科学院的面试机会,并为进入美国其他顶级牙科学校做好充分准备.S. 在完成整个项目后, students earn both BS and DDS degrees facilitating further specialization.


“Pacific has really helped me prepare for 牙医的职业生涯 and dental school, 无论是专业上还是学术上. 这些课程的教学水平非常高, I know I have a good foundation in my sciences so that when I go to dental school, 我不会从零开始. And there are a lot of clubs and organizations here that stress professionalism, 牙医的职业生涯. They’ve given me chances to volunteer and actually experience what it's like to be a dentist.” 


这个由学生管理的组织为学生提供了与牙科学校教师和学生以及活跃在该领域的从业者见面的机会. 它提供志愿者机会, 模拟DAT考试, PAT和面试工作坊, 杜戈尼牙科学院的旅行和舒适的氛围,所有对牙科感兴趣的学生都可以进行社交并了解更多有关该领域的知识. 
